Wandering Heart Figuring Out Faith with Peter

Bind My Heart

As Holy Week begins, Peter is no longer front and center. So, we imagine Peter is with the rest of the disciples when Jesus enters Jerusalem. The disciples are confused when they witness the crowd shouting hosannas. As we imagine ourselves gathered that day, remember that they are supposed to praise Caesar, but instead, they shout for Jesus. Their songs are subversive, courageous, and contagious.

Wandering Heart Figuring Out Faith with Peter

Here’s My Heart

We come full circle with Peter. We are back to where he began his Jesus story. Jesus once again meets Peter at the shoreline and offers abundant nourishment. It seems like Jesus says, here’s my heart. And we realize that no matter how far we wander, we may entrust our hearts to God. No matter how strong or weak our faith is, we can give our love.

Wandering Heart Figuring Out Faith with Peter

I’m Fixed Upon It

You may stick to what you know when your world unravels and your beliefs are tested. Peter is set on how he thinks a situation should go; he resists the pain of what will come. But Jesus is set on his calling and calls Peter out. In our faith, we may want to take the less painful path. We may cling to easy answers. What does it look like instead of welcoming complexity?