Love is a unifying and transformative force for good. This message uses a familiar scripture to show how this kind of love is the foundation for all our actions. How can we be multipliers of love for a better world?
Love in Action
Loving our neighbors is one of the first lessons people learn when following Jesus. But what does it mean? How far are we supposed to go? This message challenges us to broaden our understanding of who our neighbors are and seek ways to demonstrate that love.
Rooted in God’s Love
The central message of the Christian faith is love. God’s very nature is love – unconditional, sacrificial, and selfless. This message explores how God’s love for us is the source and example of how we can love others.
Here I Raise My Ebenezer
What is an Ebenezer and why do we raise it? This week, we discuss how Peter honored what Christ did in his life before, during, and after the resurrection. Where do we look for power? Peter and the other disciples help us understand what the resurrection means for our lives today.
And I Hope
After denying Christ, we might expect Peter to cower in shame. Or run away in an attempt to leave his past behind him. Instead, when Peter hears the news from the women, he does not dismiss it. Even after a significant failure or worst-case scenario has occurred, how can we run toward hope?
Bind My Heart
As Holy Week begins, Peter is no longer front and center. So, we imagine Peter is with the rest of the disciples when Jesus enters Jerusalem. The disciples are confused when they witness the crowd shouting hosannas. As we imagine ourselves gathered that day, remember that they are supposed to praise Caesar, but instead, they shout for Jesus. Their songs are subversive, courageous, and contagious.
Here’s My Heart
We come full circle with Peter. We are back to where he began his Jesus story. Jesus once again meets Peter at the shoreline and offers abundant nourishment. It seems like Jesus says, here’s my heart. And we realize that no matter how far we wander, we may entrust our hearts to God. No matter how strong or weak our faith is, we can give our love.
I’m Fixed Upon It
You may stick to what you know when your world unravels and your beliefs are tested. Peter is set on how he thinks a situation should go; he resists the pain of what will come. But Jesus is set on his calling and calls Peter out. In our faith, we may want to take the less painful path. We may cling to easy answers. What does it look like instead of welcoming complexity?
Praise the Mount
Explore Peter’s mountaintop experience of claiming faith. If you had to speak your faith in one sentence or phrase, when would it be? If you dare to say, “This, I believe…” then that conviction has a ripple effect on others.
Rescue Me from Danger
As a new disciple, Peter wants to prove himself. But when he does, he gets thrown off balance. Many of us know that feeling, like we are sinking. Maybe this stems from doubt, unexpected change, busy seasons of life, devastating grief, or distance from God. This week, we empathize with Peter’s desperation as he cries out to God.