WANNABE: A Mental Health Series

“Wannabe” = (n.) a person who wants or aspires to be someone or something else or who tries to look or act like someone else.

In our day, many of us “wannabe” happy, strong, confident, and the best. We look but don’t find a final fix. We strive, buy, or burn to get it or we minimize, retreat, or self-medicate because we can’t. In this series, we will look at what true health looks like in the relationship and cross-sections between mental health and spiritual health.

Watch online or attend in person at 10 a.m

Previous Sermon Series

Taking the Church on Vacation

Everyone loves a vacation. It is the perfect opportunity to unwind and escape the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and reflect on faith. What would it look like to make sure you take Jesus on vacation with you?

Weekly Sermons

June 16 | Be Restful  Mark 6:30-44
How often do we go on vacation hoping to rest but return feeling the need for another vacation? Discover the kind of rest that yields a great measure of grace and have a truly restful vacation.
June 23 | Bless Others  1 Corinthians 10:23-33
As we go on vacation, we are given different opportunities than we might have during more regular seasons of our lives. God invites us to see those opportunities as ways to bless others.
June 30 | Stay in Character  Colossians 3:12-17
How often has vacationing with loved ones involved tension and arguments? Learn how we can stay in character and truly enjoy vacations.